How are you REALLY spending your time?

It’s really easy to lose track of time. When you’re not in class or working, you have the rest of the day to use as you please. Whether it’s a pick-up flag football game on the intramural fields, a video game tournament, or a couple of hours on Netflix, time can get away from you.

Sometimes you sit down, determined to “study” and end up chatting with a friend, watching YouTube or scrolling through social media.

When I was in college, our campus ministry leaders challenged us to keep track of what we did every day for one week. It was meant to show us that despite our “busy schedules” we really did have a lot of time that was at our disposal to use. It was an eye-opening exercise for me, and I thought seriously about how I was using my time.

I’ve included an expanded template for you here to be able to chart your week. Don’t use it as a planner, writing down what you WANT to do at the start of each day. Instead, use it after the day is over. Just write down every day what you did, and how long you did it. When did you wake up? When were you in class? What did you do for those hours in between? Be honest and take a close look about how you’re really spending your time.

Time is precious. You don’t get it back once it’s gone.

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,
making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

Ephesians 5:15-16

If you want more tips on productivity and creating a healthy routine, check out the book!