Taste Item

The other weekend, Joshua and I decided rather spontaneously to check out our city’s World Food and Music Festival. Booths lined the streets and tasty smells filled the air from various cuisines around the world. Filipino, Ecuadorian, Vietnamese, Moroccan, Peruvian, Laotian, Nepalese… to name a few.

We found a Bahamian flag (the homeland of my husband) but sadly, no Bahamian food vendors.

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Still, we enjoyed ourselves as we walked around. Each vendor had lunch entrées, but they also had a “taste item” for $1.

These taste items were hit-or-miss. I’m not talking about flavor – all of them tasted good… but often the portion size was just a mouthful. One, maybe two bites. I guess that was the point, after all, but in each case, I wanted more of it.

But neither the wallet nor the belly were the right size to order more of each item. We ended up getting a couple of entrées to split, and by the time we went home, our bellies were fuller and our wallet was lighter.

The experience left me thinking about two passages in God’s Word.


“O taste and see that the Lord is good!”

Psalm 34:8

There was no question as we took tiny bites to share each booth’s taste item… the food was good. It’s the same with the Lord – just the smallest experience of Him should leave us doubtless of His goodness.

But while the taste item was limited (and tiny), the Lord doesn’t give Himself like that. He pours out His goodness upon us. Psalm 65 speaks of the bounty and overflowing blessings that the Lord gives to the earth. Physically, but also spiritually.

Another difference is the cost.

$1 at each booth adds up pretty quickly! But the Lord gives of Himself freely.

“Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk Without money and without cost.”

Isaiah 55:1

If the food vendors at the festival gave away the food for free, they wouldn’t make any profit. They would actually be in the red, since they would have paid themselves for the food to be given away.

Isn’t God generous?

It’s not that life doesn’t have a cost – it’s that God has absorbed the cost Himself.

He gave up His only Son – infinitely precious – to be able to offer eternal life to us for free.

But so many people pass Him by.

They don’t hear or don’t want to hear His call.

Taste and see that He is Good!

Come and take what He is giving.

You’ll never find anything sweeter.

Adventure Awaits is now on Amazon!

Speak Truth in Your Heart

From almost the moment I wake up, I feel it.

A rumbling dark cloud settling over my head. 

I turn on some uplifting music, but it does nothing for my foul mood.

Thoughts creep in, one over another.

That person doesn’t care about you.

You won’t be accepted by that group.

What you do doesn’t matter.

You won’t be able to accomplish anything of value today.

Your whole day is ruined and it just began. 

It’s easy to allow these thoughts in.

One crawls in on top of another, 

until the black cloud bulges.

It settles down on my shoulders,

It reaches its tendrils to my heart. 

Finally I sit down. 

I open a notebook.

The thoughts slither from the cloud to the page. 

There I acknowledge them.

I look them in the eye.

They can’t be true.

But why do I still feel like this?

I open my Bible.

O LORD, who may abide in Your tent? 

Who may dwell on Your holy hill?

He who walks with integrity, and works righteousness, 

And speaks truth in his heart.

Psalm 15:1

God blazoned the line with His highlighter.

Speak truth in your heart.

Truth. Not lies.

I know who He’s talking about.

The Way, the Truth, the Life.

Speak Christ, the Truth from the Father.

Truth sets me free from the power of lies.

I don’t have to believe them.

So I start to speak Christ.

The perfect, lovely One.

The One whose love is longer than eternity.

The rich One.

The humble One.

The only One whose work is perfect.

The One who is at work in me.

One by one, the lies slink away.

That person doesn’t care about you.

But He cares for me.

You won’t be accepted by that group.

But I am accepted in the Beloved.

What you do doesn’t matter.

But He is at work in me, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.

You won’t be able to accomplish anything of value today.

But He is equipping me in every good thing to do His will, working in me that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ.

Your whole day is ruined and it just began. 

But this is the day that He has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

I can resist those lies, knowing my Jesus has paid for my sins, and risen for my life.

He has set me free, and I can fill my mind and heart with Truth.

If you’re struggling with lies today, don’t let the heavy cloud stay on you all day.

Turn to Truth, and the lies will cower before Him.

Speak Christ in your heart.

*I quoted a lot of Scripture in this devotional… if you aren’t familiar with them and would like to know where to find these gems in the Bible, let me know and I will supply you with the references!