My husband has been working from home for over a year.
Since we don’t have a proper “office space,” I often hear him facilitate online classes and training sessions.
One such class is “The Elevator Pitch.”
My husband instructs his fellow employees on how to give a concise, accurate description of who they are and what they do at the company.
The introduction should take 20-30 seconds, so by the time the elevator door dings and drops you off at your floor, your companion knows exactly what you do.
Maybe you’ve never had to give one of these elevator speeches, but what if you had to?
What if your speech wasn’t just about the work you do, but who you are.
Could you describe yourself?
What would you say?
I thought about this when I was meditating on one of my favorite verses lately.
I thought, wow… this is God’s “elevator pitch.”
It happens right after Moses asks to see God’s glory.
Amazingly, God agrees to let him see in part.
He covers Moses in the cleft of the rock and then passes by and says:
The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth.
This gets me every time.
God doesn’t say anything about being GLORIOUS, ALL-POWERFUL, SOVEREIGN.
(but He is.)
He doesn’t say that He’s MAJESTIC, HOLY, RIGHTEOUS.
(but He is).
Instead He chooses to introduce Himself with these attributes:
Overflowing love and truth.
This “elevator pitch” is proclaimed at least 7 times in the Old Testament.
(Let me know if you find more.)
For now, just soak in each of those words.
Deep, meaningful qualities of our lovely Lord.
With that kind of elevator pitch,
isn’t He someone you’d like to know more?