
The roots of a tree are powerful.
Venture down a shady sidewalk and you might trip on a concrete slab that a root has heaved.

In 2013, I visited the remains of Machu Picchu in Peru.
Abandoned centuries ago, trees and bushes climbed over the buildings.
Invading roots and vines twined around everything.
They overtook the village completely.
But when Machu Picchu was “discovered,” the roots and vines were pulled out.
When people cleaned up the ruins, this wall partially collapsed.

The roots were gone, and it was weakened.

Our hearts can be the same.
Pride and self subversively twine around the heart, invading and overtaking.
Roots of bitterness powerfully force their way in.

We can stay like that, overtaken.
Or we can call out to God.

Lord, pull out those roots.
Rip out the pride and selfishness that tries to choke.
Untangle the root of bitterness.
Make me broken and weak.

[The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.]

No one likes to be weak.
Nobody wants to admit that they need God.
But that’s the road to healing.
Knowing our brokenness leads us to the One who can fix us.

Oh Lord, fill the holes and cracks that remain.
In my broken places, fill me with Your Spirit, so I can go on in Your strength.

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