Getting Flabby

Last week I was doing some cardio.

While I thoroughly enjoy the feeling I get after I exercise, I don’t always enjoy the process.

Usually I try to get my mind off of exercising by reviewing memory verses.

So, I started on my usual set of verses… the ones my husband and I memorized while we were dating. During the summer of 2019, we chose a list of verses that highlight the attributes of God. They became cherished verses that I often use now when I pray to remember God’s awesome qualities.

But while I was exercising last week, I realized that both my body and my brain had gotten flabby. It had been so long since I exercised (and memorized) that I was really out of breath… and I couldn’t remember all of the verses.

Then I became further convicted. My husband and I learned those verses almost 2 years ago. I hadn’t actively memorized anything else since then.

Now, I think I know a good thing when I see it.  God’s Word? Yeah. That’s good. That’s worthwhile.

Psalm 19 has a beautiful description. God’s Word is:

perfect, restoring the soul; 

sure, making wise the simple.

right, rejoicing the heart; 

pure, enlightening the eyes.

clean, enduring forever; 


This is good stuff.

It’s more desirable than much fine gold; 

Sweeter than honey. 

God’s Word warns us,

and in keeping it there is great reward.

So why am I not eating it up?

Why am I not enriching my mind with good things?

Why am I filling my mind with garbage, or letting it waste away?

While the benefits of exercise are huge,

The benefits of absorbing God’s Word are astronomical.

I know that exercise will help my body in this life…

But seeking after God will help my body, soul, and spirit in this life AND the one to come.

Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness;

for bodily discipline is only of little profit, 

but godliness is profitable for all things, 

since it holds promise for the present life 

and also for the life to come. 

1 Timothy 4:7-8

Time to get active.

Just like exercise takes discipline, planning, and effort… so does memorizing and meditating on God’s Word.

This week I’ve started a Couch to 5K running plan (because the snow is gone in Iowa… for now!)

Just like I have to be purposeful in setting a physical goal,

I want to be purposeful in figuring out when, where, and how I’m going to memorize God’s Word.

If you feel like you’re getting flabby, feel free to join me.

I’m going to be posting about my journey here on the blog, and on my social media.

Comment on the blog, or reach out to me @laurakeywords on FaceBook or Instagram.

If you don’t plan for it, you won’t do it.

So here we go.